Thursday, June 23, 2011


I thought it might help to post this "Sunshiny"
Sunflower floorcloths, in hopes it may bring a little sunshine to New England.....We need it!
Even though down South and out West you
need this rain... maybe we could switch!


This Fall I will be exhibiting in 3 Fall Shows

The Fine Furnishings Show in Providence
The Wilton Historical Society's Fine American
Craftsman Show in Wilton CT

The New England Folk Art Festival in
Marlbourgh, MA




Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Open studio


Open Studio Weekend in Vermont

Saturday May 28th 10-5
Sunday May 29th 10-5

My studio will be open during this Memorial Day weekend.
Along with many other artists studio's in Vermont. Make a weekend
of it, come visit Vermont. My studio will be open 10-5......View my work
in progress visit with me "in situ"....Look forward to it!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Voila.....Springs here!!! With it a new design

Voila,........ Springs new Artichoke Design created for Lisa in Arlington VA......the smaller is a 4 x4 and the larger a 5 x 5 to fit exactly where she wants them and the colors we matched to her decor! As you can see from our last blog post
We finish with 5 coats of varnish, let it dry and ship them to her.

This I hope has given you an understanding of how ordering a floorcloth from Dunberry Hill
works . Please feel free to contact us if you have questions.

We'd love to make one for you!

Ciao and Happy Spring finally!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Happy April Fools Day!

Beginning the floorcloth process with Dunberry Hill Designs..........

You've just contacted me about your interest for a floorcloth thru my Contact /Inquiry Page. Not sure whats going to happen next?
Let me show you!
I will begin by sending you
*Color swatches
*General info letter
*My business Postcard/&Pen
*Samples of designs your interested in, see top of the picture.

Next step

After you've chosen the colors that you like, and picked the design you prefer. We'll make you a sample much like the one shown here.
This sample happens to be exactly the same size as the floorcloth the clients wants 5 x 5.(only on paper). We used the colors the client choose and a new design we developed just for her.

And Then

We've begun her floorcloth ...actually 2
5 x 5 and a 4x4. Both similar designs different
borders . I didn't show you, but on the paper sample
(above) the reverse side was the 4 x 4 sample
All samples and design work come with the price of the floorcloth no extra charges or hidden fee's.

Stay tuned for the next blog for the finished product.....


Monday, March 7, 2011

Winter's not done yet!

Just finished making another one! Jessica wanted the same design. So, 60 hours of detail painting with a liner brush and a small edge brush and this is what it looks like!
I love this wonderfully organic print, it gives me the inspiration to create outside the box. I'm such a "in between the lines" finicky sort . It's a challenge to let go!
The perfect example that a floorcloth can be literally anything you'd like it to be, match anything, it brings your entire room together.

Winter has kept me inside a lot this year and have used my time developing some new designs for you, will be posting them this Spring...

Floorcloths make a great gift idea !

Reminder open studio Memorial weekend please plan to stop by!


Friday, January 21, 2011

Happy Winter

It's snowing again! Winter is packing a punch this year
The ice storm earlier this week did not help the snow, it's all hard and icy, the dogs seem to be walking on top as only they can do.The crock pot is a permanent fixture on my counter these days nothing like a little comfort food to ideal away those Winter blues. Sounds like a song...ahhh

Meanwhile, in the studio we've been busy creating 3 beautifully clean, simple designs for Laura in Philadelphia they will be on their way very soon so I thought I'd give you a chance to see them on my studio table before they head out...I believe they will be going into her hallways which are painted the traditional" Philly Yellow" they will look terrific.Can't wait to see the "in situ" photos Laura!

Ciao from snowy Vermont.....Cameron